Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 372
Apprenticeship Program and Training Center
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The Local 372 Apprenticeship Training Center in Southern Tuscaloosa County was formed in an effort to prepare individuals for the plumbing, pipe and steam fitting trades.
Our apprentices receive a high quality education that is applied when they go to work for our signatory contractors. The apprentices that are successful with our program will be able to provide for themselves and their families throughout their professional career. |
Benefits of Apprenticeship
Skilled Trade EducationOne of the great aspects of seeking an education in trades is that there are plenty of diverse occupations to choose from! TJAC 372 offers education in the steam fitting, welding and service technician fields.
Member BenefitsOnce becoming an apprentice you will have access to several benefits offered through local 372. These benefits include health and welfare, pension plans, vacation fund, representation through the local union and higher wages.
No Student DebtMost college students have massive student debt. TJAC 372 is college accredited and our students tuition is covered by negotiated benefits between our signatory contractors and Local Union 372.
TrainingWe hope you will find valuable information on these pages and we encourage you to use the “contact us ”form to send us feedback. If you would like to apply for apprenticeship please click the link below! - CLICK HERE - |
ABOUT USUA Local 372 is committed to placing highly trained workforce into the field to work for our contractors. TJAC committee and instructors are devoted to helping train apprentices for our community! - CLICK HERE - |
AprenticEshipLocal 372 believes that training is the foundation on which any organization is based. TJAC is not only involved with our program but our members also sit on various State Vocational committees. - CLICK HERE - |
Apprentices onlyPlease log in to access the Members Only sections. If you do not have a UA Card Number please contact the UA Local 372 Union Office and they will provide you with your temporary number and password. - CLICK HERE - |
" We do it right the first time... "
The Alabama Construction Industry Craft Training Board (CICT) provides grant opportunities for craft training programs within the commercial construction industry. Our mission is to support training programs in building a qualified workforce to meet the growing demand for skilled craftsmen and commercial construction workers in Alabama. |
Non-Union Contractors Please Read
There are many advantages of becoming a signatory contractor and we wish to dispel the misconceptions about being signatory. Please read on.